Tips for Managing Sleep Problems in Toddlers

Sleep challenges are common in toddlers aged 1-3 years. While some toddlers transition to sleeping through the night easily, others struggle to self-soothe and fall asleep independently. Lack of sleep impacts the whole family, but there are things parents can try to help toddlers develop healthy sleep habits. Here are some top tips for managing sleep issues in toddlers:
Establish a Calming Bedtime Routine
If you are fostering a toddler with Fosterplus, establish a consistent, relaxing bedtime routine from the beginning. Try to follow the same sequence of activities for 30-60 minutes before bed every night. This could include a warm bath, getting pyjamas on, reading some stories, singing songs and having a cuddle. The predictability helps toddlers understand it’s time to wind down. Keep lights dim and avoid stimulating screens before bed.
Set Appropriate Nap and Bedtimes
Make sure your toddler isn’t overtired before bed. Most toddlers need 11-14 hours of sleep in a 24-hour period, split between night sleep and 1-2 naps. Avoid letting naps run too long or cutting them out too early. An over-tired toddler will struggle to fall asleep. Have an early enough bedtime for your child’s age too.
Offer Comfort Objects
Let your toddler choose a special stuffed toy or blanket to have in their cot. The familiar, comforting object can help them self-soothe to sleep. Just ensure it doesn’t pose a suffocation risk.
Use White Noise
White noise, like a fan or sound machine tuned to a consistent, calming tone, can drown out startling noises that disturb toddler sleep. The soothing sounds provide consistency and help block disruptions.
Encourage Self-Soothing
Help your toddler learn to self-soothe instead of relying on you. Set them down awake at bedtime with their comfort object. Use phrases like “Night night, love you, see you in the morning” to make your exit clear. Stay calm and don’t make too much conversation if checking on them. The goal is teaching them how to get themselves back to sleep.
Reinforce Day/Night Cycles
Make sure daytime play is stimulating and nighttime calmer. Get outdoors early in the day and open blackout blinds as soon as it’s morning. This helps establish the difference between night and day.
Adjust Room Conditions
Make sure the bedroom environment promotes sleep. Use blackout curtains or blinds and avoid lights from electronics. Keep the room ventilated and temperature between 16-20°C. Some toddlers sleep better in a sleep sack rather than loose blankets. Remove distractions too.
Seek Medical Advice if Needed
If sleep problems persist despite trying these tips, speak to your health visitor or GP. Some toddlers may have medical issues like reflux, allergies or sleep disorders interfering with sleep. It’s also worth mentioning any big changes, stresses or routines that could be impacting your toddler. There may be further steps or specialist referrals recommended.
Consistency, patience and being responsive to your toddler’s needs will help establish healthy sleep habits in the long run. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your health care provider if problems continue. With time and the right strategies, sleep can get better for both toddler and parents.