Navigating the legal landscape of bringing your pets into the UAE

Let’s admit it, no move is ever easy – no matter how much you plan, pack, and prepare in advance. It’s even more challenging when you’re relocating to Dubai with your precious fur companion. Paws and breath – we come forward with a pet travel playbook that is here to uncomplicate your move! Dubai is pet-friendly, but there are some essential laws and regulations that are designed to keep everyone, from your precious pets to the local wildlife, safe, healthy and happy.
Whether you’re moving in or planning a pet relocation from Dubai, this playbook is here to provide you with all the information you need for a stress-free transition.
Understanding the paperwork and formalities for a purr-fect pet relocation in and out of the UAE
On a high-level, the five core requirements you must know to ensure a smooth transition from or into Dubai with your fur baby includes the following:
Documentation: Before you even think of taking your pets to Dubai, you need to be aware of all the paperwork involved which includes a pet passport, import or export permits, health certificates, vaccination card and beyond.
For starters, your fur baby would only be able to enter or exit the country with an export or import permit, which serves as their visa. These are usually valid for almost four weeks, and your pet would need to enter or exit the Emirates within the timeline of this permit. Secondly, your pet will also need a health certificate from a licensed pet caretaker. This certifies that your pet is fit to travel and has all the required vaccinations covered. Generally, this health certification should be done ten days prior to the trip. Our recommendation is to onboard a pet relocation expert who understands all the nitty-gritties involved.
Vaccinations: We know it’s a big emotional toll on pet parents to get their fur babies vaccinated, especially because they get cranky, stressed, and down. While painful, it’s necessary for your fur child’s health and safety. That is why the UAE has strict rules to ensure your pet is vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days before the travel (but not more than a year).
Pet parents from low-risk rabies countries only need to provide the original Rabies Serum Neutralization test (RSNT) certificate. Apart from that, your pet must be vaccinated against Canine Distemper Virus, Canine Parvovirus, Infectious Canine Hepatitis, and Leptospirosis, while your purr-baby (Cats) should have Feline Pan Leukcopenia, Feline Rhinotracheitis, and Feline Calicivirus vaccination.
Microchipping: Outside your home, the world is huge, and you wouldn’t want to lose your fur baby while travelling. That’s why ISO 11784/11785-compliant pet microchipping is mandatory for your pet, especially in the UAE. It works as an ID card for your pet in Dubai and contains all the information, such as passport number, DOB, and health certification. This makes it easier to find your fur baby, while ensuring all their records are easily scannable by the relevant authorities.
Quarantine: While this practice began around COVID-19, it varies based on country. For those that are bringing their pets to the UAE or Pet Relocation Abu Dhabi, you’ll be delighted to know that there is no quarantine in the UAE provided all of their documentation is in order. In the off chance that the relevant paperwork isn’t submitted upon your pet’s arrival, they might undergo quarantine, reexport back to the country, or in very rare cases, a confiscation. Before making any bookings, our advice is to talk to pet experts for more details based on your pet.
While these requirements may seem simple, there are many intricacies involved in pet relocation Abu Dhabi. This being said – this move becomes super simple and stress-free with the right partners by your side. Don’t underplay the importance of having expert guidance and support to navigate your journey from one country to another. So, whether it’s getting the paperwork done or arranging a customs clearance for your fur child, leave it all to the experts to manage it for you.